+55 41 99785-1998
Learn how to build your Factory Plant and become more competitive in the market

What is Factory Layout?

We speak of “layout” whenever we refer to the way the space is organized to adapt machines, equipment, workers and the entire production process adopted, divided into phases. And when we refer specifically to the factory layout, or industrial layout, we are talking precisely about the dynamics involved in this process, the way we group all the machinery in the physical space.

It is worth mentioning that, when it comes to industry, due to the high volume of production, people involved and operations carried out, its dynamics directly influences productivity, the safety of professionals, as well as the rules imposed by legislation regarding safety standards in space. of production. But, mainly, regarding the efficiency in the relationship between man/machine.

The definition of the layout in the companys physical space comprises its entire production chain and connects to different areas, impacting them positively or negatively. And, in this sense, what will be the benefit of planning a good layout of the machines in your space?

What is the importance of planning a Production Layout for the Factory Plan?

The factory layout planned for the company defines the benefits it will have in its production line, or disadvantages and losses caused by the poor layout of spaces.

The well-thought-out definition of the layout in the business space ensures, in the first place, the efficiency of operations, which consequently reduces costs in several areas: working time, human resources, raw material resources, among others.

The advantages of preparing a good Factory Layout:
  • Ensures a good flow of resources on the production line, facilitating and speeding up the work performed;
  • It also guarantees harmony between the production units, as well as in the factory sectors, making the entire process more efficient;
  • It makes the companys space much better used;
  • Provides speed in operations and agility in the performance of professionals;
  • It improves the work environment and its productivity, reducing the distances between one sector and another;
  • Makes the workflow simpler and more intuitive for the professional, also reducing the risk of human error or accidents;
  • Optimized production time and cost;
  • Production speed.
Factory layout types:

Linear layout

The linear (or product) layout is aimed at a mass production process, allowing the product to be easily transferred from one sector to another. In this production model, quantity and quality control prevail over variety. A good example is the car assembly line, where the workstations are fixed and the product passes from one to another through conveyor belts.

Functional layout

In the functional layout, also known as process layout, the production line is divided into sectors, each with its defined type of machinery. In this way, the process follows a logic in which the machines are grouped according to their function in the factory. One of the advantages of this model is that the eventual lack of one of the machines does not affect the production process, as each sector has its own set of equipment aimed at the same purposes.

Cell layout

The cellular layout is a mix between the conventional linear production line and the functional line. In it, production is divided into cells and follows a production sequence with a reduced dimension, in which each cell will have its independent production process and on a smaller scale.

Positional layout

Also known as fixed position layout, the positional model assumes that the product to be produced remains stationary on the production line so that professionals and machines move from product to product. Widely used for items that are too large to be moved on an assembly line, positional layout is common in industry sectors that work with large projects, such as aviation or shipping.

And what is the best factory floor plan for my company?

This is a question that will depend on what is produced, the machines available for it, the automation used and the guidance of technicians who can indicate the best solutions, case by case. The entire evaluation will give the needs that your factory space requires to bring concrete results in economy and agility, as well as the reduction of losses.

Profills has a technical team prepared to evaluate its production and improve it, with a good layout and plant construction service for the factory.

Count on Profills do Brasil to raise your level of productivity, speed and quality, making you even more competitive in the market.
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